(all prices are displayed in euro)
Please use this link in order to register.
S. No. | Category | Early* Registration (Physical) | Early* Registration (Virtual) |
1 | IEEE member | 550 | 380 |
2 | IEEE non member | 700 | 445 |
5 | IEEE life member | 400 | 320 |
Papers due: March 14th, 2022
(FIRM deadline)
Notifications sent: April 22th, 2022
Camera ready paper: May 10th, 2022
Conference date: 30th June - 3rd July, 2022
(*) - Each deadline expires at
23:59:59 EEST
(**)ISCC workshop and co-located event deadlines
can be found on the respective websites.
The conference will be held physically in Rhodes. In case, some presenters will not be allowed to travel due to their institution's or their country's travel restrictions online presentations will be allowed.
S. No. | Category | Late Registration (Physical) | Late Registration (Virtual) |
1 | IEEE member | 670 | 460 |
2 | IEEE non member | 820 | 525 |
5 | IEEE life member | 520 | 400 |
(*) The main event early registration deadline is until and including May 10, 2022.
S. No. | Category | Early* Registration (Physical) | Early* Registration (Virtual) |
1 | IEEE member | 600 | 400 |
2 | IEEE non member | 750 | 490 |
5 | IEEE life member | 400 | 320 |
S. No. | Category | Late Registration (Physical) | Late Registration (Virtual) |
1 | IEEE member | 720 | 480 |
2 | IEEE non member | 870 | 570 |
5 | IEEE life member | 520 | 400 |
(*) The main event early registration deadline is until and including May 10, 2022.
S. No. | Category | Early*** Registration (Physical) | Early*** Registration (Virtual) |
1 | IEEE member workshop registration |
250 | 200 |
2 | IEEE non member workshop registration |
300 | 240 |
S. No. | Category | Late Registration (Physical) | Late Registration (Virtual) |
1 | IEEE member workshop registration |
325 | 275 |
2 | IEEE non member workshop registration |
375 | 315 |
(***) The workshop's early registration deadline is until and including May 16, 2022.
(***) The Poster & Demo's early registration deadline is until and including June 15, 2022.
S. No. | Category | Early**** Registration (Physical) | Early**** Registration (Virtual) |
1 | IEEE member registration | 380 | 330 |
2 | IEEE non member registration | 430 | 380 |
S. No. | Category | Late Registration (Physical) | Late Registration (Virtual) |
1 | IEEE member registration | 420 | 370 |
2 | IEEE non member registration | 470 | 420 |
(****) The ICT4eHEALTH's early registration deadline is until and including May 10, 2022.
All physical Workshop/Poster & Demo/two-day event author registration types include access to the Workshop/ Poster & Demo/two-day event Sessions, conference proceedings, Coffee breaks and Lunch during the workshop/two day event realization day/s. Extra tickets for coffee, lunches and events for the other days can be purchased on site separately.
NOTE: The ISCC Main Conference registration fees do not cover Workshop registration fees. The ISCC main conference and Workshops authors should register their ISCC papers and Workshop papers separately. A 20% discount will be provided to combined conference and workshop/two-day event registrations.
Information about Cultural events per registration can be found here in pdf.